Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Madly in Love with ME: The Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own Best Friend

Madly in Love with ME
Madly in Love with ME: The Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own Best Friend
by Christine Arylo
Publication Date: February 27, 2012

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Review & Description

Most women have felt loved at some point in their lives, and they’ve sought the love of boyfriends and best friends. But they often forget about one crucial person. If we could all feel the sort of unconditional love we’ve heard about, if we could know that we are completely and utterly loved and honored by someone important to us, how would we feel? How would we feel if we learned how to create that love for ourselves?

In this lively and enchanting new book, Christine Arylo encourages, dares, and challenges women to love themselves so much that they will never choose a situation or a relationship that does not reflect that powerful love. The book is set up as a 40-day adventure in falling in love with yourself by passing through defined “gates” of falling in love. The gates are ongoing challenges to respecting and loving yourself expressed through statements such as: "I know who I am and I know what I want in life"; "My body is my temple"; "I take care of me, without guilt"; "All of my relationships reflect and support who I truly am."

The daily practices are designed to reprogram self-sabotaging habits, patterns, thoughts into self-loving and self-empowering ones. They will push women out of their comfort zone to reveal something about themselves they may not know or never thought about. The explanations within each section explore how we are held back from self-love and offer suggestions for dealing with the emotional graspers or energy suckers. The book describes different ways to express self-love, including for introverts or women fearful of self-expression. The illustrated format will have women carrying MADLY IN LOVE WITH ME with them everywhere, dipping in and out to remind themselves to express their love and unique spirit, to live in the world proud, knowing they are loved unconditionally. Within each of the sections, Christine explains the importance of each “gate” and tells stories that illustrate by example. She goes on to present morning practices to explore and reinforce the statements and “self-love dates” that are activities chosen to boost self-esteem and express each woman’s fabulous personality. Activities and dares might include writing a love letter to your younger or older self; drawing a self-love map; writing love serenades or love vows; journaling exercises including questions, lists, and dreams; writing a list of your good qualities.

No matter where a woman starts, or how many of the exercises she does, she will end this book with a better sense of her own worth and a new, powerful, delightful best friend. Read more

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