The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags: Relationship Warning Signs You Totally Spotted... But Chose to Ignore
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The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags: Relationship Warning Signs You Totally Spotted... But Chose to Ignore Overview
Finding the right guy is often a trial and error process, during which you're bound to encounter more than a few big red flags. From not introducing you as his girlfriend, to calling his mom for help with every decision, a guy's behavior can offer valuable lessons of what you don't want in a boyfriend.
The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags explains all those relationship warning signs you totally spotted, but chose to ignore, combining what-the-heck-was-I-thinking?! tales of dating disaster along with advice on how to handle similar situations in your own relationship. Once you're aware of some of the red-flag-worthy problems men display, you can evaluate what you're okay with, what you're so not okay with, and, hopefully, gain a better understanding of what kind of man, and relationship, will work best for you.
Adapted from the blog ( founded by the book's authors, The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags was inspired by the downright dreadful dudes they've encountered and, of course, the big red flags these men presented. No matter how completely insensible you may have been at certain points during your romantic career, you're not alone--a lot of women have had similarly dicey dating pasts. With this bookyou'll learn a little, laugh a lot, and improve your dating dexterity so that you don't get stuck in another big red flag situation.
Find the authors on Twitter: @bigredflags
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